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Get Your House In Order. Be Well Be Safe. Be prepared

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Introduction to Financial Literacy

Hawaiian Financial Federal Credit Union's initiative to "Get Your House in Order" aims to help local families achieve their highest quality of life. Throughout this initiative, we are offering expert tips and important reminders on all life-phase planning. We will touch on each phase, from young adult, middle age, senior, and even end of life planning and how crucial it is to include the ohana in those decisions.

Learning is a lifelong process, and it’s never too early or late to become more financially literate. Basic financial literacy means knowing how to manage money, pay bills, borrow and save responsibly, and plan and invest wisely.

Most dream of reaching financial freedom by their 60s. Even though this is not always possible, we all have the ability to improve our financial literacy and take better control of our futures, no matter how old we are.

And while many spend their lives avoiding important discussions about finances, talking about life-planning issues is very important.

When it comes to financial literacy and advice, especially complicated issues surrounding life planning, it’s wise to consult a professional financial planner. Experts can create financial plans tailored to specific goals, and provide guidance on the appropriate allocation of ohana resources. 

Here at Hawaiian Financial FCU, we have access to professional financial planners and all consultations are free of charge. A professional financial planner will help you create a roadmap and financial blueprint that covers all aspects of your financial situation. At the foundation of each financial plan are a person’s goals, and your planner will help you answer crucial life-planning questions related to those objectives. Is your financial house in order? Where are all your most important documents? What do you want your lifestyle to be in your later years, and who do you want to spend your time with? What are your long-term care plans if you are not able to take care of yourself? Will your loved ones be taken care of if you were to suddenly pass away?

A financial plan addresses these questions, while providing direction and clarity. Everyone’s financial situation is different, which is why it is important to work with a professional. Financial planners have the requisite knowledge, expertise and experience to properly organize your finances to greatly increase the chances of success.   

The “Get Your House in Order” campaign makes sure families understand the importance of sound life-planning decisions — all while helping them achieve the highest quality of life possible.


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